SET ARC XXI A Hampton Court Palace: Anne Boleyn’s Gate, Great West Gate etc.
12,00 €
Auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tag(e)Beschreibung
ARC XXI A Hampton Court Palace: Anne Boleyn’s Gate, Great West Gate etc.
ARC XXI B Hampton Court Palace: The Great Hall etc.
ARC XXI C Hampton Court Palace: State Apartments, Fountain Court etc.
– Set A
Karten 1-11
two base cards
two cards on thin paper with ridge tiles and chimney stacks
one small strip
– Set B
Karten 12-21
two base cards
– Set C
Karten 22-30
2 base cards
one half card on thin paper
one small strip
9 x 13 cm
1 : 1000